Absence | Teen Ink


April 20, 2011
By Maniron BRONZE, Athens, Other
Maniron BRONZE, Athens, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

You left one day,

the sun was bright.

in my heart forever you will stay

and for you these world i write.

The sky embraces you,

with his hidden veil.

Alas, iit is really true,

that your steps i lost the trail.

A gap so wide,

black as the void.

My sorrow i hide,

thus i cannot avoid.

My soul I'd sell

to tell her one thing.

And after death live in hell,

my life's last tragic swing.

Love you is the phrase

that i wanted you to know.

Then i can end my days

as my life away I'll throw

Your white marble grave,

under the sun rests in peace.

Let God her soul to save

and the despair of the family cease.

Two daughters left in tears,

a husband soulless since then.

But most of all your grandson fears

of never seeing you again

The author's comments:
R.I.P. granny :(

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