The Mirror of my Childhood | Teen Ink

The Mirror of my Childhood

July 4, 2011
By Sweeeet BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Sweeeet BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up and keep on trying!

I am from the busy streets of Japan
To the tall buildings
People rushing in and out of the trains in the morning
Jet lagged?

I am from the cameras and videos
Clicking and recording
Trying to save every second I our hands
From ponytails to French braids
Taking picture one after another

I am from the family trees of my great grandfather and grandmothers
Kimonos to festivals
To the flashing fireworks streaming in the night sky like shooting stars

I am from the small private school
The smell of new paint
Hearing the sounds of kids singing and laughing
As the teacher gives you their hands through success

I am from sushi and rice
But also from candies and lollipops
From the healthy dinners to the sweet and sticky candies

I am from my prairie dogs to goldfishes to cute furry hamsters
From nurturing and caring
From sickness to healthy
Dead or alive nothing can replace them

I am from the karaoke of Japanese music
The sound of echoing
Singing one song after another
Lyrics and lyrics
Learning the ABCs

I am from the past where I grew the seeds

I am from the future where I can hold the mirror to one day look back

The author's comments:
Looking back at my childhood photos inspired me to tell everyone my childhood.

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