Why Should I Be Sad? | Teen Ink

Why Should I Be Sad?

March 11, 2008
By Anonymous

My boyfriend cheated on me last year.
Two times.
I just found out this weekend.
My stepdad almost died.
He is recovering from open heart surgery.
My brother is going nowhere in his life.
I'm scared that I will become him.
I suffered from an eating disorder.
I deal with it daily.
I'm leaving my friends in 3 months.
I'm probably never going to see them again.
I'm growing up.

Am I sad?


My boyfriend made it easy to get over.
I'm hanging out with a guy next weekend.
My stepdad's life was saved.
I appreciate life so much more.
My brother makes me determined to go somewhere in my life.
He is my motivation to do good things.
Struggles only make you all the more powerful.
My true friends will always be in my life.
My experience with my friends have shaped me into who I am.
That will never leave me.
Growing up means new adventures.
Growing up means leading and living my own life.


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