My Shoulder Will Be Here | Teen Ink

My Shoulder Will Be Here

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

It's been months and months and maybe I should move on
But I still can't deal with the fact that you're gone.
We were once happy or maybe it was just me
Always smiling and never wanting to flee.
I remember that one particular starry, windy night
I had said those three words and everything felt so right.
My heart ached and I swear I couldn't see
Because my dream came true and you said it back to me.
But that's just a memory that I wish I could erase
But when I try I just crawl back in my little space.
I don't think I could ever regret loving you
Because in my heart I'll always know that we were true.
You used to be my best friend, my lover and partner
But now when I see you, you've become a stranger.
It saddens me that we've grown so far apart
Just a few months ago you were my heart.
I know that I've never really opened up to you before
But I owe you this much and now I'm opening my door.
I know it's too late and you’re far far gone
But my shoulder will be here for you to rest upon.

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