Broken | Teen Ink


February 26, 2014
By NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know you too well to say you're perfect, but you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me."

-Perfect For Me by Ron Pope

Broken Hearts

Broken Dreams

Broken Family Ripped At The Seams

Little Girl

Little Lies

Little Eyes Witness Big Fights

Scared Child

Scared Spouse

Scared Mom Leaves Awful House

Angry Dad

Angry Life

Angry Father Gets New Wife

Evil Woman

Evil Deeds

Evil Acts That Go Unseen

Big City

Big Mistakes

Big Risks Put Them At Stake

Small Crime

Small Cell

Small Girl Doomed To Fail

New Life

New Place

New Home, Familiar Face

Long Letters

Long Way

Long Years Begin To Fade

Promising Hopes

Promising News

promises Believed All Too Soon

Torn Letters

Torn Heart

Torn Girl Torn Apart

Broken Hearts

Broken Dreams

Broken Family Ripped At The Seams

The author's comments:
This piece is about my life basically.

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