I Come From a Small Town | Teen Ink

I Come From a Small Town

March 30, 2014
By ELHAAG20 SILVER, McCook, Nebraska
ELHAAG20 SILVER, McCook, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - The Serenity Prayer

I am from old and new family traditions
I come from a town where family owned stores are still up and running
And education comes before work.
I am from the ranch style home on the reservation
With a welcome rug before the door
From Sunday dinner’s that feel like Thanksgiving
With potatoes, carrots, beets and rolls
From the homemade slip and slide made out of silage tarp
To the Haag’s of Indianola, Bartley and Lebanon
To 10 military men past and present
From Shari and Steve, and Jeanine, Josh and Abby
I come from homemade cakes and ice cream
To cheese pizza and fish during Lent
From “Make the place better than what you found it” and “What you au to do is…”
To “Do you have enough money saved up?” and “Do you have the cinch tight enough?”
I am from Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney NE
I am from Grandma’s homemade quilts, jelly’s, and cinnamon cucumber pickles
I come from a stay at home aunt, who is a daycare provider,
A uncle who thinks he knows everything about anything,
A working single mother and a brother of 13
I was taught anything is possible if you work hard and pray
I am from St. Pat’s Catholic Church
Where you took out your misseletts to sing on queue with the choir
I am from the flowers on the front porch to saddles in the shed
I come from the smell of prairie hay and horse hair
I am from a long line of strong women
Who knew what they had to do during tough times.

Now I am from McCook High School
From football games on Friday nights
To shot and disk in the spring
I come from the “oh crap” moments of last minute studying
To the laughter and troubles we cause with friends.
I am from the morning protein shakes and granola bars
To the afternoon sweet tooth of chocolate chip cookies
I come from learning about cuties
To finding out boys are actually worse than they were in kindergarten
I’m from Anatomy & Physiology to the prospect of being a nurse
I am from the classes of May, Knutson, Jones and Wolford
I come from conservative views that teach me to voice my opinions
I am from the nicknames of Lynnard, Haggard, and Crow
I am from the leadership of FFA, to growing with God in CYO
I am from the guitar, books, and endless ACT preps that now line my room
To the endless hours of work trying to make tips for college
I am the student wishing for a bright future, and always having new expectations

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