Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

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Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By MadisonGrace SILVER
Nowhere, Oregon

They say "I'm praying for you" or "I feel sorry" But I don't want their pity They pat my back and try to help But they just can't understand...
MadisonGrace SILVER, Nowhere, Oregon
7 articles 1 photo 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Everything is okay in the end,<br /> if its not okay it&#039;s not the end.&quot;<br /> &quot;Be who you are and say how you feel because if someone matters they dont mind and if someone minds they dont matter&quot;<br /> &quot;If God brings you to it he will bring you through it!&quot;

By Johnny99 GOLD
Newport News, Virginia
Johnny99 GOLD, Newport News, Virginia
19 articles 0 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
A rose and a flame, are just the same.

Dancergirl224 GOLD, Allen, Texas
15 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
I Love You Now and Forever &lt;3<br /> I am always by your side.... I&#039;m in your heart<br /> you should be optimisticly pestimestic

IAmTheOceanIAmTheSea SILVER, Scottsdale, Arizona
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I think there is only one greatness for man. If a man can bridge the gap between life and death. I mean, if he can live on after he has died, maybe he was a great man. To me the only success, the only greatness, is immortality.&quot;--James Dean

By BlownAway8 BRONZE
Sherwood Park, Other
BlownAway8 BRONZE, Sherwood Park, Other
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I&#039;ve been hurt but I&#039;m alive. I&#039;m human, I&#039;m not perfect but I&#039;m thankful.

Maggie Heermann SILVER, Greenwood, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments
By perpetuallydancing GOLD
Prairie Village, Kansas
perpetuallydancing GOLD, Prairie Village, Kansas
13 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you don&#039;t have any shadows, you&#039;re not standing in the light.&quot;<br /> - Lady Gaga

By JustTryAndCatchMe. BRONZE
Fredericktown, Ohio
JustTryAndCatchMe. BRONZE, Fredericktown, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Und ich will nicht die Welt um mich zu sehen denn ich glaube nicht, dass sie w&uuml;rden understand.When alles gemacht hat, gebrochen zu werden, ich m&ouml;chte nur, dass Sie wissen, wer ich bin.&quot; Goo Goo Dolls

By Miss_Brightside GOLD
Defiance, Ohio
Miss_Brightside GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 74 comments

Favorite Quote:
It&#039;s like she sees the diamond underneath And she&#039;s polishin&#039; you &#039;til you shine. -Brad Paisley. (this goes to my step mom she keeps me going)<br /> If you want a rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.-Albert Einstein

Smile MAG
By jlinjessica SILVER
C, California
jlinjessica SILVER, C, California
9 articles 40 photos 3 comments