Mr.Right | Teen Ink


May 10, 2012
By Jessica_Brewer_ BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jessica_Brewer_ BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brilliant blue eyes that see through my soul,

A smile brighter than a summer day.
Looking your way, I can’t even control.
So breathtaking, there’s nothing I can say.
A deep voice, manly and mesmerizing.
You bring me in with every word being said.
I can’t help but to listen to everything,
Every word you say burns inside my head.
Unlike all the others, you have respect.
Being polite and thoughtful all the time.
Sweeps me off my feet with a strong affect,
So incredible, words cannot define.
As perfect as it gets, is how it seems.
That’s because you only exist in my dreams.

The author's comments:
Shakespearean Sonnet written by Jessica Brewer.

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