A Lesson Before Dying | Teen Ink

A Lesson Before Dying

April 29, 2009
By Carolynn Atherholt BRONZE, Millington, Maryland
Carolynn Atherholt BRONZE, Millington, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the book A Lesson before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines; I personally don't care for this book because it lost my interest. What lost my interest was the way it was written. A lesson before dying is written in 1st person all throughout the book, and Grant is the one who's telling it and the book has nothing but Grants thought an opinion on everything that happened. Grants biggest problem is that he's self centered and criticizes everything on the plantation. He puts everything in his own perspective of how bad life is because he isn't happy with his own life. All throughout this book Grant wants to leave the Plantation with Vivian and just run away from his problems and he becomes angry with everything because he can't. Because of these reasons I don't like Gant, and by Gant telling the story I lost interest. People who might like to read this book is historical fiction readers, and autobiography readers. The reason why is because this book is about a black man back in the 1940's, and all the events that happen during his time.


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