Betrothed book review | Teen Ink

Betrothed book review

May 30, 2023
By Aneelah GOLD, Houston, Texas
Aneelah GOLD, Houston, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“ “Don’t worry mother,” I assured her. “I’m not scared.” ” (Cass 307).

Kiera Cass has been writing since 2009 and has written 10 young-adult fiction books (The Selection Series and The Betrothed Series) so far, Betrothed being one of them. 

Betrothed is about a girl named Hollis who is engaged to King Jameson. She had hoped to catch his eye her entire life, but when it happens the other members of court aren’t happy with his decision. When the King of a neighboring country, called Isolte, comes to King Jameson’s palace, Hollis sees it as her chance to prove herself to Jameson and everyone else who had ever doubted her. But as she tries to be more royal, she questions if it’s really her. When she meets a stranger from Isolte, her heart gets pulled in different directions. 

Kiera Cass says that she writes to help give people a break from life. And Betrothed does just that. I sat down for hours at a time just to read this book. Each time I was about to get up and stop there was another twist or interesting part so I kept reading. Betrothed is very engaging because of the way it is written. Readers see the world from Hollis’s point of view and can clearly feel what she feels. 

Though, at parts I feel like Hollis could have more emotion, overall, the book was engrossing and extremely satisfying. There are many sudden and unexpected turns and lots of character development for Hollis. 

After finishing The Selection, I looked up more of Kiera Cass’s books and found this. The second I read the blurb I knew I wanted to read it. 

The love triangle in Betrothed  is a classic thing in most books, but Cass writes it in her own style. Which makes it unique to her. Kiera Cass made Hollis a very realistic character, her raw feeling and emotion adds to her character and makes the reader think of her as a real person. 

A very important lesson to be learned from this book is that family is everything. A quote from Betrothed that stayed with me is: “ “I am following my family. And as we know, nothing is more honorable than to give your life to your family.” ” (Cass 307). Family is important to me as well, so when Hollis says this her and I both have something in common. Having something in common with the main character makes the reader want to read more and allows the reader to have a connection with the main character.

People who absolutely loved The Selection Series  would adore Betrothed. This book is one in a million because of the love, and revenge, and forgiveness, and understanding in its story. 

The author's comments:

I am 16 years old and my two favourite things to do are to read and to write. I enjoy reading books that include: pirates, magic, fairytale retellings, royalty, and sirens. 


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