The Story of Forgetting | Teen Ink

The Story of Forgetting

October 9, 2009
By Jahlil BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Jahlil BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A strong Man does what he has to do for himself. A stronger man does what he has to do for others.

Who can forget about the Story of Forgetting interpreted by Jahlil Vandroff

I had only been in Plano for a couple of months, but novelist Stefan Merrill Block made me feel as if I had been there in the stretched out, scorching summer of the 1990's, when seventy year- old Abel lives alone in his decrepit home, reliving his memories of the past. Due to his disability, he is a hunchback never married, but lived with his brother and sister-in-law. With who had been in desperately in love, now his once expansive farm. Is surrounded by Mcmansions as his past catches up to him.
The other main character is fifteen year-old Seth Walker. A studious victim of victims in high school hierarchy. Son of Jaime, who has recently been institutionalized because of the severity of her early onset of disease. For some reason Jaime has always hidden her past from her husband and son. To the point where the son and father of them has any idea who her parents are, or where she was originally from. Seth, who is used to finding answers to his problems, breaks into a scientist computer studying the strain of EOA, and obtains the names of the scientist who have identified with these diseases. Realizing that he is related to all of these people, he sets out on a broad search in order to find his relatives in the close towns of Texas.
The author in this book is an astronomical writer, author, and publisher. Surprisingly he was born in the rapid suburbs of the town we call Plano, Texas. Stefan Merrill Block was born in 1982, since birth he had a mind possessed with determination, and pride. He graduated from Plano Senior High School, with his mind set on reading and writing. The Story of Forgetting was his first and only novel he has written. He has not received any awards for his writing, but an honorarium from his high school. Although he has not received any awards, im sure he has the assurance that this book his prize possession. He now lives in Brooklyn New York, while still devoted to his writing career.
The author style in this book is quite unique, in being that he was not an English major. He captures the readers attention with such deliberate focus.

The author's comments:
I love it


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