Schooled by Gordon Korman | Teen Ink

Schooled by Gordon Korman

December 17, 2009
By coolcat69 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, North Carolina
coolcat69 BRONZE, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you like comical books with surprise endings? Then this is the perfect book for you. In the riveting novel by Gordon Korman titled Schooled, the main character Capricorn Anderson is involved in one of the cleverest never ending twist of unfortunate events ever. Cap’s grandmother is hospitalized due to a plum tree accident. Cap is then put into a foster family. He has to make a change from Garland Farms, a rural hippy community to a frightening new environment in the city and has to adapt to the cruel school children at Claverage Middle School. Yet it is still able to be enjoyable and funny at the same time. Korman uses a different point of view for every chapter, enabling the reader to get a full sense of what’s going on.
I really enjoyed this novel and the way Korman was able to paint such a creative image in my head throughout the story. I appreciated the fact that Korman made the story so realistic and easy to read. It is very easy to stay hooked in this book because of the creative plot. I especially liked how Cap figures out all of the new technology around him and how he starts watching soaps. Then once Cap gets comfortable with this new lifestyle and society, he gets put to the test and is forced to make a tough decision that will influence the rest of his life.
Overall I would give this book a 9.7 out of a possible 10 points. This book was one of the most intriguing and enjoyable reads of my life. I recommend this book to anyone. If you ever need a quick, joyful read, then go and pick up Schooled.


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