Matched by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Matched by Ally Condie

October 4, 2011
By B-ballinZ BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
B-ballinZ BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
oh you dont agree with me...and you think i care what you think

After hearing repetitively that Matched by Ally Condie was the best summer read from all my friends… I decided to read it for myself!
I truly do like this book. It’s a truly sappy love story in a fiction book about a girl named Cassie that lives in a civilization that is in the future and the people have absolutely no choices. Government chooses everything for you through data and stats to govern the people. They choose when you’re born, where you live, when you have children, when you die, and most important who you love.
In this story Cassie and her best friend Xander, who have been best friends since they were little kids, end up being matched. This was a complete shocker. But when Cassie falls in love with another boy Ky. She finds herself spinning in circles. Ky will never be matched because he is an aberration because of his father’s criminal record. He has always been very observant and kept to himself. Cassie finds herself sharing herself sharing her secrets with him and Ky is sharing his past life with her. Now Cassie must chose weather to Stay with Xander or follow her heart with Ky, follow the governments orders or to ‘’DON’T GO GENTLE.’’
The book starts with intensity and emotion and ends the same way. Where in this place it’s hard to say ‘’I love you ‘’ and easy to say ‘’goodbye’’ to your best friends and loved ones. Where it’s most important to not FORGET! Because when everyone takes the red one but you, you always remember.
The very end of the book wants you wanting more and needing to know what happens next. When I finished to book I was still looking for more pages to read it was the best possible ending ever! This book was my favorite book after the Hunger Games this summer read. I can’t wait until the 2nd book comes out on November 1, 2011. The second book is called Crossed and I hope you read both of the books and like that as much I as I like them.


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