A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard | Teen Ink

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

December 12, 2011
By Nicolette Gaulard BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
Nicolette Gaulard BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard proved to be a heartbreaking story of never-ending hope and ultimate triumph. Not only did this unbelievable memoir reveal memories of eighteen years of captivity, but also shares how she has been dealing with everything today. Jaycee’s bravery pushed her through a challenging and unbearable situation. She grew up in a backyard locked in a room where the abductor would rape her, while the wife did nothing to stop him.
While most children at age eleven complain about parents, school, siblings, etc., Jaycee could only dream about her family and school. She took control of her education in order to better herself and increase her knowledge of the outside world for her own benefit. This inspiring woman’s personal fortitude sets an example for all young women around the world. At age fourteen, most girls have their first crushes and break-ups, but Jaycee struggled to take care of her first child. Many teenage mothers have the help of their family; however Jaycee did not have anyone other than the abductors. She had no choice but to become a woman at a very young age.
No one noticed Jaycee when the abductors took her out; however now that everyone knows about her situation, the public will not leave her alone. Jaycee exclaimed “history is repeating itself” (230) because she must disguise herself every time she goes out with her daughters in order for the public to not make the connection. The abductor would not allow

Jaycee to say her name for eighteen years and now that she has freedom, she still must hide her identity. Jaycee had eighteen years of her life stolen from her. The abductor stole family memories, a high school experience, maternal rights and much more from her. Although distressing to read, this marvelously written story can easily bring tears to the eyes of any reader. A Stolen Life contains heartbreak, suspense, and joy all in one incredible story.

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