Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge (The wallflower) | Teen Ink

Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge (The wallflower)

December 20, 2012
By Alice_Marie BRONZE, BLUH, West Virginia
Alice_Marie BRONZE, BLUH, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By Tomoko Hayakawa
Volume(s)—One to Three.
Star rating from one to five: four and a half
Review written by: Alice Marie, 13
When I began reading this manga, I was just reading to read. But, as I began to read I couldn’t pull away.This book made me laugh a lot! The book is like an empowerment to women—teenage women. The main character Sunako Nakahara, niece of Ms.Nakahara, moves into her Aunt’s boarding house.Sunako is a very, strange girl, making for VERY strange situations. She is also stubborn and determined. She will do anything to get what she wants! She gets extreme nose bleeds from any ‘creature of the light’ meaning any extremely beautiful person. In the boarding house four boys: Ranmaru Morii, Takenaga Oda, Yukinojo (Yuki) Toyama, and Kyohei Takano, are living. Her Aunt had informed the boys and asked them to turn Sunako into ‘A real lady’ in exchange free rent.
As the story unfolds Sunako is, put through many trials as the boys try to turn her into a ‘real lady’ she stays true to herself even when everyone else is scared of her. She is a very dark individual since her incident two years prior to moving into her Aunt’s boarding house. She gave up on being feminine entirely since that incident! Her Aunt, not having any children and her husband having passed years ago, treats Sunako as her own daughter and only wants her to be happy. But can’t take the way she lives her life and wants to put a ray of sunlight back into her life. She eventually concludes that that ray of sun can only be love any tries to set Sunako up with many men, which in the end all efforts are lost. I recommend the book to anyone it’s a really good read.


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