Brothers Grimm | Teen Ink

Brothers Grimm

October 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Grimm's Fairy tales, unlike fairy tales, there is a huge misperception about this book. Their meaning of fairytale is different than the average fairytale. This book is about gruesome deaths and extremely random and dark stories. Not to mention the book is quite large. This book contains many short stories of more demented fairytales. This book was quite good compared to how I thought it would be. But I recommend not reading it all at once it is quite hard to take in all the darkness of it. Many authors retold this book but the original are much older with all the disgusting parts included. One of the stories that were in the book was a story about a stepmother who strongly hates her sons and just wishes he would jump off a cliff. Well she gets her son to look at these treasures inside this old trunk, and when he ducks his head in to get a look at the fake loot, she slams down the trunk lid and severs his head off. Then the daughter comes rushing up and asks the stepmother what is going on. She darts to get her stepson's head and sets up his body on a chair and puts his head on top of the body. And later the dad doesn't realize that his wife had cooked their son, and that he was eating him with out noticing it at all. But the stories are very well written but very violent. They also made a very poorly done movie about this book that is nothing compared to this very intriguing and disgusting book of short stories. But I definitely recommend reading this book instead of seeing the movie. You might disagree, but all in all this book is quite well written and I from all the reading over the years recommend this one as on of the most gruesome and dark short stories ever.

You are still here I can tell, well what are you waiting for go to library or a book store and ask for “The Complete Book Of Grimms Fairy Tales.” Do it , you will enjoy it!!!!!



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