The Secret Diamond Sisters by Michelle Madow | Teen Ink

The Secret Diamond Sisters by Michelle Madow

March 27, 2014
By Aaliyah Collins BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Aaliyah Collins BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What would you do if you had to grow up not knowing who your birth father was, and then one day get shipped off to live with him for a year? Well thats exactly what Peyton, Savannah, and Courtney Diamond are going through, in this twisting-thriller book called The Diamond Sisters by Michelle Madow.
This book is more for the young-adult age range. It was very intriguing, yet, it was a little confusing some of the time. Michelle did a good job of leveling out the perspective of shock, and excitement.
Peyton, Savannah, and Courtney are three teenage girls who grew up basically learning to fend for themselves. They grew up not knowing who their birth father was, and with an alcoholic mother who can't seem to keep a job for more than a month, or even a boyfriend for that matter. One day, Savannah came home from school to her sisters, grandma, and a strange man whom she'd never met. She found out that her mother was flown out to a rehab facility that morning, after being caught drunk driving. Now, because the girls aren't legally old enough to live on their own, they are forced to go live with their father, but only until their mom is healthy enough to come home and take care of the three girls.
The girls live in a small dirty apartment, in a bad neighborhood. But now, they finally get the expensive clothing and cosmetics they had always dreamed of having, but could never afford. They went from that tiny dirty apartment, to spacious condos in the Diamond Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. Of which their dad, Adrien Diamond, owns, along with many other hotels and casinos all over the area. Not to mention, how they got there in the first place, by a private jet and limo!
The girls are starting to question their mothers opinion of their father of ‘his lifestyle is too dangerous for three teenage girls growing up in the world’. But its all they've ever known. And it would be pretty hard to accept him for the person he really is, and not the person he was made out to be.Was what their mom told them true, or was it just an alibi to protect them? They've been growing up in a cheap apartment with cheap two dollar t-shirts from Rue 21. But now, they each get an unlimited credit card which they are allowed to spend on anything they wish to.
They have grown up hating their dad for just leaving them and not helping their situation at all. They find out that the only reason they grew up without their dad was not because he left, but because their mom took them away after a big bump in the road had occurred. Courtney was kidnapped. The kidnapper demanded ransom. Luckily, being Adrien Diamond, he had more than enough money to pay the ransom price. But, after that, their mom did not trust that lifestyle. Giving strict orders for their father to have no contact what-so-ever with Savannah, Peyton, and Courtney.
Now the three girls have to learn to understand their situation and to try to accept their father. Plus the struggle of starting in a new school and meeting new friends to be able of trust with their feelings on everything that is happening in their lives.
This book would be a great choice for someone who likes to read about peoples lifestyles changing overnight. I think that this book would be mostly for the teenage age range.
Wish the girls good luck as they learn to fit into one of the most crazy cities in the world. Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But for this bunch, some secrets grow too big to keep.


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