Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

December 7, 2015
By vanessa17 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
vanessa17 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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A Mysterious Love Story
Paper Towns will instantly captivate your attention and won’t let you put the book down. This book is told through the eyes of a teenage boy who experiences love, tragedy, and loss. After reading the first chapter you will immediately connect to the characters, understanding everything they feel and go through.  Quentin and his friends plan to have the best senior year, meanwhile the love of his life Margo goes missing. Scared for his life, Quentin looks for clues to try and uncover the mystery.
The plot switches directions extremely fast. One minute Quentin is looking for clues to find Margo, and the next he is driving his drunk best friend back home. The characters in the book are like ordinary teenagers, and this helps you connect to them frequently. In the beginning of the book Quentin is a very shy and quite person; he doesn’t go out much and prefers to stay home. Throughout the book his character is the one that develops and changes the most. He grows into a more confident person and has a new perspective on things.  I connected to Quentin the most because just like him I was and still am a shy person who doesn’t go out often.
John Green does a fantastic job making you work out different scenarios in your head of what’s going to happen next and how to solve the mystery. Throughout the book John Green will have you at the edge of your seat and in tears. Paper Towns is different from any other love story, it has an unexpected ending. Although I loved the book the ending was not all that great. I definitely think John Green could have wrote a more intriguing ending.
The way John Green uses romance and mystery in Paper Towns has you hooked on what is going to happen next. What you get out of the book is that people aren’t just paper they are really complicated beings and are viewed based on how they look. You learn that Margo isn’t all that perfect as everyone thinks she is; she is just trying to find herself in a world where nobody understands her. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in unique mystery and love story books.


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