KekaKyske | Teen Ink


Cleburne, Texas
Member for 15 years


Hi, it's me, ofcourse, and I love a person. My favorite color is red. I love to RP, write, and sing. If there's anything specific you want to know about won't be here. :P

Books: Breaking Dawn, Deltora, Lowthar, Rowan of Rin
Music: Kids Bop, Kids Bop 2, Kids Mix, Kids Mix 2
Movies: Twilight, New Moon, Lion King (All), Alvin and the Chipmuncks (All)
TV Shows: The Vampire Diaries, Wizzards of Waverly Place
Interests: Wrinting, Singing, RPing, Facebook

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

By KekaKyske SILVER
Cleburne, Texas
KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol

KekaKyske SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
There&#039;s always the day after today, even if today is tomorrow.<br /> &quot;Keep moving forward!&quot; -Meet the Robinson&#039;s<br /> &quot;It is the dim hazeof mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit.&quot; -Antoine de Rivarol