You and I | Teen Ink

You and I

July 15, 2012
By JeanaWilde GOLD, Kearns, Utah
JeanaWilde GOLD, Kearns, Utah
12 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I am unnoticed, possessed
I wonder who I will be when I begin my true life
I hear you, but I am not obliged to listen; you don’t have the effect you wish for
I see your ways before you begin; you are as predictable as most
I want nothing more to do with you; you’re a revolting mess
I am demanding, inhuman, unscrupulous
I pretend I am who I’m not for you; what you wish I was
I believe you, your words, your hate and your faults
I touch much more than my soul when I reach inside
I feel adjacent with your corrupt ways as I fall mercilessly into your love
I worry not of my future or your presence in it though I feel it should never be
I cry when alone; indifferent tears falling unresponsively down an unsympathetic face
I am unnoticed, possessed
I understand I will never go on.

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